Jeder Hundefan sammelt im Laufe seines Lebens sicher das Ein oder Andere vierbeinige Accessoire.
Schön, wenn es dann nicht nur als Staubfänger fungiert, sondern auch einer echten Aufgabe nachkommt.
Diesmal habe ich ein paar gut aussehende Hundekumpels rekrutieren können, die Euch Zweibeinern bei der Ordnung ein wenig unter die Arme greifen. Und das, obwohl mir Ordnung - zum Leidwesen meines Frauchens - so gar nicht liegt.
Beim Sortieren von Zeitschriften und Büchern geben sie ihr Bestes, aber seht selbst.
Diese beiden französischen Bulldoggen machen es sich nach getaner Arbeit auf einem Kissen bequem. Es gibt sie wahlweise in Weiß oder Schwarz - gefunden bei ebay:
(English version:) Each dog fan accumulated during his life, certainly the one or the other four-legged accessory.
Perfect, if it doesn't only act as a dust catcher then, but also fulfills a real task.
This time I was able to recruit a few good looking dog buddies that help you humans to tidy up.
Even though I hate tidiness - to the regret of my mistress....
When sorting magazines and books they do their best, but see for yourself.
These two French Bulldogs are relaxing on a pillow after doing their work. Available in either white or black - found on ebay:
Diese zwei kubistisch anmutenden Terrier stehen auf schwarzen Resinsockeln im Marmorlook. Sind am Besten in einem von Klassikern belegten Regal aufgehoben... - gefunden bei Houzz.
These two cubist looking Terrier are standing on a black base in marble look - found at Houzz.
Dieser Dackel ist schon fast legendär - stammt er doch vom Designpapst Jonathan Adler.
Erhältlich mit rosafarbenem oder blauen Sockel.
This dachshund is almost legendary - because he comes from the icon of design "Jonathan Adler"
Available with pink or blue base.
Diese Windhunde verlieren nicht einmal durch ihre quietschpinke Farbe an Eleganz - gefunden bei KARE design.
These greyhounds don't even lose their elegance with this loud colours - found at KARE design.
Wohl weniger für die staubtrockene Lektüre ist dieses ironische Pärchen gedacht. Aus Metall - gefunden bei Knob Creek Metal Arts.
This ironic couple need some funny literature. Made of metal - found at Knob Creek Metal Arts.
Diese Farbe! Ich mag sie einfach! Und mein Frauchen auch. Somit sind wir auch mal einer Meinung (kommt selten genug vor...) - gefunden bei Pottery Barn. Die liefern übrigens auch endlich nach Deutschland!
Look at this color! I adore it! And my mum also. Thus we are de facto in complete agreement (really a rare event ...) - found at Pottery Barn.
Die Italiener können einfach alles, was mit Design zu tun hat. Das stellen sie sogar bei solch simplen Dingen, wie Buchstützen unter Beweis. Gefunden bei Spisani.
The Italians are perfect in everything that has to do with design. They even put in such simple things as bookends to the test. Found at Spisani.
Freunden der vornehmen Zurückhaltung sei dieses Exemplar ans Herz gelegt: Blasslila Keramik - gefunden bei Overstock.
Friends of elegant restraint will love this: Pale Purple Ceramics - found at Overstock.
Für die Handwerker unter meinen Lesern habe ich noch ein besonders Schmankerl aufgetan. Eine Anleitung, wie man diese (oder Ähnliche) Buchstützen selber macht. Farbe und Rasse kann somit jeder selber wählen. Anleitung gefunden bei Irresistible Pets.
For the craftsmen I found a special treat. An instructions on how to do this (or similar) Bookends by yourself. Any color and breed is possible. Instructions found in Irresistible Pets.
Also wenn's nach mir ginge, ich würde ja auf der einen Seite einen Terrier (mich) und auf der anderen Seite eine Katze basteln. - Aber mich fragt ja keiner....
For what it's worth, I'd build a terrier (me) on one side, and on the other a cat. - But no one asks me, as usual....
Monday, February 10, 2014
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Dog-it-Yourself: Türstopper | D-I-Y: Doggie-Doorstop
Immer wieder bin ich auf der Suche nach "hündischen" Dekoartikeln, die mein Frauchen selber machen kann. Fündig geworden bin ich diesmal bei dem englischen Blog »Red Ted Art«. Der beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit Allem rund um Heim & Kind - aber eben auch mit ein paar netten Hundeartikeln.
Diesmal geht es um einen schicken Türstopper in Form eines Scottish Terriers, den man sogar selbst machen kann!
Mein Frauchen kann ja glücklicherweise einigermaßen gut nähen (immerhin macht sie mir und vielen anderen Hunden die schönen Hundekissen von paraperro®) - aber jetzt nur keine Panik: Das Schnittmuster ist wirklich so easy-peasy, dass es wirklich jeder Nähmaschinen-Legastheniker hinkriegt. Versprochen.
Hier ist der Blogpost mit dem kostenlosen Schnittmuster und der Anleitung.
Besonders schön sieht das natürlich aus, wenn man typisch englische Materialien nimmt, denn immerhin kommt der Scottish Terrier ja von dort, also Schottenkaros, Tweed und sowas.
Aber das bleibt ja zum Glück jedem selbst überlassen....
Wie sich das Ganze mit einem klassisch englischen Karo in Blau-Grün macht, seht Ihr weiter unten:
(English version:)
I am always on the look for "doggish" decorative items that can make my mistress by herself.
I am struck it rich this time in the English Blog »Red Ted Art". It deals mainly with everything around Home & Children - but also with some nice dogs articles.
This time it's a fancy doorstop in the shape of a Scottish Terrier, which you can even do it by yourself!
Fortunately my owner can sew reasonably well (after all, she makes me and many other dogs beautiful dog cushions) - but now do not panic: The pattern is really so easy- peasy , that really everybody can do it. I promise.
Here you can find the blog post with the free pattern and instructions.
It will become especially nice, if you'll take typically English materials like tweed or tartans, because after all, the Scottish Terrier is indeed a British citizen.
But decide by your own....
How it looks like with a classic English material, you can see here:
Und so sieht die Anleitung für den neuen Mitbewohner aus:
And so does the manual for the new roommate look like:
Diesmal geht es um einen schicken Türstopper in Form eines Scottish Terriers, den man sogar selbst machen kann!
Mein Frauchen kann ja glücklicherweise einigermaßen gut nähen (immerhin macht sie mir und vielen anderen Hunden die schönen Hundekissen von paraperro®) - aber jetzt nur keine Panik: Das Schnittmuster ist wirklich so easy-peasy, dass es wirklich jeder Nähmaschinen-Legastheniker hinkriegt. Versprochen.
Hier ist der Blogpost mit dem kostenlosen Schnittmuster und der Anleitung.
Besonders schön sieht das natürlich aus, wenn man typisch englische Materialien nimmt, denn immerhin kommt der Scottish Terrier ja von dort, also Schottenkaros, Tweed und sowas.
Aber das bleibt ja zum Glück jedem selbst überlassen....
Wie sich das Ganze mit einem klassisch englischen Karo in Blau-Grün macht, seht Ihr weiter unten:
(English version:)
I am always on the look for "doggish" decorative items that can make my mistress by herself.
I am struck it rich this time in the English Blog »Red Ted Art". It deals mainly with everything around Home & Children - but also with some nice dogs articles.
This time it's a fancy doorstop in the shape of a Scottish Terrier, which you can even do it by yourself!
Fortunately my owner can sew reasonably well (after all, she makes me and many other dogs beautiful dog cushions) - but now do not panic: The pattern is really so easy- peasy , that really everybody can do it. I promise.
Here you can find the blog post with the free pattern and instructions.
It will become especially nice, if you'll take typically English materials like tweed or tartans, because after all, the Scottish Terrier is indeed a British citizen.
But decide by your own....
How it looks like with a classic English material, you can see here:
Und so sieht die Anleitung für den neuen Mitbewohner aus:
And so does the manual for the new roommate look like:
"Ran an die Nadeln, Freunde!"
"Grab your needles, friends!"
home accessories
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Such a shame!
Long time no see! And I'm really sorry about that!
After my mistress worked frantically the last 6 months, she wasn't able to release any of my uncountable and unbeatable ideas or internet-founds.
It's really a shame that my staff is doing their own things without caring for anything else!
To save time and nerves, I decided to continue posting in my native tongue (German) in the future.
Hope, this will be ok for you. I'm going to translate my posts via Google translator.
I'm not sure if anything will be perfectly translated then, but now I'm neither.... ;-)
But now, let's return to the word »shame« I mentioned at the beginning of this post:
I found a great web page that's all about shaming dogs.
Like in earlier times where a naughty kid had to wear a fool's cap after being cheeky, this page shows pictures of naughty dogs showing a sign with their outrage.
It's so funny, because some of them aren't ashamed at all!
But the best thing is, that you can upload a picture of your own dog and share with the rest of the world what your beloved friend did!
So, go ahead!
After my mistress worked frantically the last 6 months, she wasn't able to release any of my uncountable and unbeatable ideas or internet-founds.
It's really a shame that my staff is doing their own things without caring for anything else!
To save time and nerves, I decided to continue posting in my native tongue (German) in the future.
Hope, this will be ok for you. I'm going to translate my posts via Google translator.
I'm not sure if anything will be perfectly translated then, but now I'm neither.... ;-)
But now, let's return to the word »shame« I mentioned at the beginning of this post:
I found a great web page that's all about shaming dogs.
Like in earlier times where a naughty kid had to wear a fool's cap after being cheeky, this page shows pictures of naughty dogs showing a sign with their outrage.
It's so funny, because some of them aren't ashamed at all!
But the best thing is, that you can upload a picture of your own dog and share with the rest of the world what your beloved friend did!
So, go ahead!
Hmmmm, and that's me. Ashamed. But not sorry at all...
See ya real soon!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
jack | queen | king | ace
As you all know, I'm the one & only dog of my mistress (b.t.w. I would never accept anything or anyone else...).
That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the presence of other fellows - I love being outside with my beloved dogwalker and her pack twice a week!
When finding the following playing cards »Pack of Dogs«, made by the american illustrator John Littleboy and sell by, I feel reminded of our funny and action-loaded life during the days.
It's a perfect and detailed interpretation of different dog-breeds and their typical behaviour, transferred into the life of playing cards.
All that's left to say for me is: Let's get ready to rumble!
home accessories,
Monday, July 15, 2013
Of dogs and boxes
Yeah, it's summer! Let's go outside in the greens!
Fortunately I have some square feet belonging to me, so my mistress is currently working there at any minute of the day for some snipping and plucking, raking and digging (why is she allowed to but not me??)...
But let's get on with it: I found some interesting accessories for your garden space that even suits a balcony or looks like a stylish statue inside the house.
Some wired cages moulded like dogs for planting and shaping box-trees or moss. Once again found at ebay Germany.
I like the look of a rough scribble and wouldn't destroy this with planting something in. But decide:
Fortunately I have some square feet belonging to me, so my mistress is currently working there at any minute of the day for some snipping and plucking, raking and digging (why is she allowed to but not me??)...
But let's get on with it: I found some interesting accessories for your garden space that even suits a balcony or looks like a stylish statue inside the house.
Some wired cages moulded like dogs for planting and shaping box-trees or moss. Once again found at ebay Germany.
I like the look of a rough scribble and wouldn't destroy this with planting something in. But decide:
And this is how it looks like with moss:
That's all fine, but my choice of a garden sculpture would be a hydrant.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
high-glass dogs
Once again sorry for my bad working morale... Time's running and I have got my paws full.
In order to know what to do, my mistress created a cushion for me that shows my daily to-do-list.
So I will nevermore forget anything...
If you are interested, it's available at her shop:
But now for something completely different: My latest web-tours.
I found a nice german eBay-shop a couple of days ago where a girl is selling lovely dog-breeds made of italian Murano-glass.
The figures are only 6.5 cm (2.6") high, are made lovingly & with a lot of typical details of the real breed.
The sellers' name is »8010katharina« and she is selling worldwide.
Check out her shop, she has nearly every dog breed available, also rare breeds.
Here's a small selection of her latest offers:
In order to know what to do, my mistress created a cushion for me that shows my daily to-do-list.
So I will nevermore forget anything...
If you are interested, it's available at her shop:
But now for something completely different: My latest web-tours.
I found a nice german eBay-shop a couple of days ago where a girl is selling lovely dog-breeds made of italian Murano-glass.
The figures are only 6.5 cm (2.6") high, are made lovingly & with a lot of typical details of the real breed.
The sellers' name is »8010katharina« and she is selling worldwide.
Check out her shop, she has nearly every dog breed available, also rare breeds.
Here's a small selection of her latest offers:
Now - after checking my to-do-list - next item on the agenda is »eating«.
Thanx mistress for this mind memory, it works!
home accessories
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Stinkers unlimited
Spring is in the air and everybody wants to clean the house to let 'em in.
My mistress unfortunately has a misconception of odour and cleanliness, so this time it's her turn to write something about.
She found some really interesting tips to clean the house of smelly aromas at »Bright Nest« - the perfect blog for houseowners.
How to deal with dog odour:
White Vinegar – This is the best option when the spot is still wet. Be sure to blot the spot; rubbing will only push it further into the fiber. Then, mix up equal parts white vinegar and cold water. Pour the mixture generously over the urine spot, blot well and let it dry. A fan will speed up the drying process. After it’s dry, vacuum the area. While vinegar does have a distinct odor, it’s a safe, eco-friendly cleaning option and the vinegar smell should dissipate quickly.
Baking Soda – It’s a natural odor absorber. If the area is dry, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area and let it sit for a couple hours. If the spot is still covered in urine or slobber, gently pat the area first. After the baking soda has set for a few hours, vacuum it away.
Club Soda – From shirt stains to pet stains, club soda is great for pre-treating spots. After you blot up the wet urine spot, pour club soda over it and immediately blot the area again. Once the area is dry, use the baking soda treatment (see above).
Diluted Bleach – If you have stains and smell, try diluted bleach. Dilute some bleach with water (use 10 parts water to 1 part bleach) and spray the solution on the stain. Let it dry completely, and check out your situation. If the stain still shows, spray again. Remember, bleach will lighten dark colors, so don’t try this on a dark carpet.
My mistress unfortunately has a misconception of odour and cleanliness, so this time it's her turn to write something about.
She found some really interesting tips to clean the house of smelly aromas at »Bright Nest« - the perfect blog for houseowners.
![]() |
picture by: Casual Canine |
How to deal with dog odour:
White Vinegar – This is the best option when the spot is still wet. Be sure to blot the spot; rubbing will only push it further into the fiber. Then, mix up equal parts white vinegar and cold water. Pour the mixture generously over the urine spot, blot well and let it dry. A fan will speed up the drying process. After it’s dry, vacuum the area. While vinegar does have a distinct odor, it’s a safe, eco-friendly cleaning option and the vinegar smell should dissipate quickly.
Baking Soda – It’s a natural odor absorber. If the area is dry, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area and let it sit for a couple hours. If the spot is still covered in urine or slobber, gently pat the area first. After the baking soda has set for a few hours, vacuum it away.
Club Soda – From shirt stains to pet stains, club soda is great for pre-treating spots. After you blot up the wet urine spot, pour club soda over it and immediately blot the area again. Once the area is dry, use the baking soda treatment (see above).
Diluted Bleach – If you have stains and smell, try diluted bleach. Dilute some bleach with water (use 10 parts water to 1 part bleach) and spray the solution on the stain. Let it dry completely, and check out your situation. If the stain still shows, spray again. Remember, bleach will lighten dark colors, so don’t try this on a dark carpet.
Next time I'll report about the bad behaviour of humans to scent everything they get hold of...Ugh!
puppy bathing,
tips for dogowners
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Beware of tiny dogs!*
I'm so sorry that you didn't read any posts for the last 2 months. It's really not my fault - my mistress didn't have the time to write down my ideas. - Think I've to search a new clerk for the future, but prudential employees are hard to find nowadays...
Nevertheless I completed my work right and still browse through the web to find interesting and extraordinary stuff for you.
Today I would like to show you some really teeny-weeny-miniature crochet dogs made by »Su Ami«, a group of 5 crafters in a family, who live in Vietnam.
It's really incredible but they perform magic with their crochet hooks:
A brown dachshund:
A multi-coloured dachshund:
A chihuahua:
A grey pug:
A sand pug:
A westhighland-terrier:
And this guy looks like me!
* 'cause you will fell in love with them all!
Nevertheless I completed my work right and still browse through the web to find interesting and extraordinary stuff for you.
Today I would like to show you some really teeny-weeny-miniature crochet dogs made by »Su Ami«, a group of 5 crafters in a family, who live in Vietnam.
It's really incredible but they perform magic with their crochet hooks:
A brown dachshund:
A multi-coloured dachshund:
A chihuahua:
A grey pug:
A sand pug:
A westhighland-terrier:
And this guy looks like me!
Isn't this awesome? From now on you can own a giant pack that fits inside a matchbox!
home accessories
Friday, November 9, 2012
Do(g) it yourself: treat-containers
Because it's getting more & more unpleasant outside and time's running up to christmas, I've decided to show you some nice ideas and handicrafts in the upcoming weeks.
Today I'm starting with a really nice DIY-idea by »Diane Henkler« - published at the platform »momtastic«.
At this platform you'll find the full instructions to develop your very own dog-food container made out of an old can. Everybody will envy your talent, wanna bet? - But don't panic, it's really easy. It only appears stylish and pricy....
Buddies, enough is enough - time to roll up your sleeves and get started!
P.S. You can send me pics of your finished containers and your own ideas of labels and creations.
I'll show them in one of my next posts.
Today I'm starting with a really nice DIY-idea by »Diane Henkler« - published at the platform »momtastic«.
At this platform you'll find the full instructions to develop your very own dog-food container made out of an old can. Everybody will envy your talent, wanna bet? - But don't panic, it's really easy. It only appears stylish and pricy....
For an absolute professional finish you'll also find the following labels to download at »momastic«:
Buddies, enough is enough - time to roll up your sleeves and get started!
P.S. You can send me pics of your finished containers and your own ideas of labels and creations.
I'll show them in one of my next posts.
dog accessories,
dog gifts,
home accessories
Saturday, October 27, 2012
There are times, I don't like other dogs. Fortunately most dogs realize that rather fast and forgo me - unfortunately their owners don't...
And keep in mind: The more dog owners know about this initiative, the better it works -
so please pass this on to have a better social life.
On behalf of all my buddies, sincere thanks to you all!
As humans are sometimes in a bad temper we dogs are, too. But how to explain this to bustling people, gushy kids or ignorant congeners?
The »Yellow Dog Project« - founded in september 2011- was created to bring awareness to dogs who need space. Dog owners only have to put a yellow ribbon or something similar in yellow at the leash of their dogs to demonstrate their need of room.
There are some lovely illustrations of artist »Lili Chin« that describe the idea in a fantastic way.
Her works about dogs and dog education as well as her custom made dog portraits are absolutely unique and my favourites.
You'll find them following in English and for my German readers also in German.
If you need another translation, please cheek out the website of the »Yellow Dog Project«.
so please pass this on to have a better social life.
On behalf of all my buddies, sincere thanks to you all!
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