The following sculptures are made by a spanish artist. She fixed leaves like Gingko together and forms animals, furniture and mythical creatures. You can have a look at these artful beauties (and also buy them) at La Basilica Galeria in the Barrio Gótico.

These lovely dogs are part of an exhibition by the artist Miguel Macaya. The gallery Sala Parés that is also located in the Barrio Gótico shows some of his work at the moment.
I found this picture while waiting for something to eat in the 4gats - an established restaurant that is located in the Barrio Gótico, too. It is really famous, because a well known person started his career inside these halls: Picasso - he had his first exhibition here. Gaudi (the architect who built the incredible church "Sagrada familia") and a lot of musicians also visited the restaurant that was opened in 1897. The dog upon the car reminds me of me - I also love to hitch a ride in the first row...
As you know, I adore well designed things. So I took a walk to Vinçon at the Passeig de Gràcia and found these two little guys smiling at me:
Inside the store I met this red fellow:
But this one is my absolute favorite - I think my next halloween costume will be the scary watering pot...